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[Industry Focus]:Analysis of import and export market of cyclohexanone in January-February 2023

January-February 2023, the performance of cyclohexanone in the import and export market is relatively stable. Cyclohexanone is an important chemical raw material, which is widely used in the production of polyamide, polycarbonate, polyether and other chemical products. This paper introduces the import and export market of cyclohexanone.

1.2021-2023 China ring from ketone import data analysis


The chart above is the monthly statistics of China's import of cyclohexanone and methyl cyclohexanone from 2021 to 2023. Customs data show that from January to February 2023, China's imports of cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanone were only 61.224 tons, down 11.46 from the same period last year. The import amount was 334148 US dollars, and the average import price was about 5457.79 US dollars/ton.

2.2021-2023 China ring from ketone export data analysis


in terms of

exports, according to customs data, from January to February 2023, the domestic export volume of cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanone was 10950.84 tons, and the export volume was 13625236 US dollars. The export volume increased by 6283.32 tons year on year, up 134.62 percent.


According to the name of the place of registration, from January to February, China's cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanone exports mainly correspond to provinces and cities: Shandong Province is about 3421.1 tons, Shanghai is about 2962.504 tons, Chongqing is about 20%, Henan Province is about 997.3 tons, Zhejiang Province is about 382.5 tons.


According to statistics of producing and selling countries, from January to February, China's top 10 cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanone exporters were: India 5611.64 tons accounting for 51%;892.96 tons Indonesia accounts for about 8%; Côte d'Ivoire 482.6 tons about 5%, Vietnam 478.04 tons about 4%, Pakistan 456.38 tons, Thailand 454.46 tons, Nigeria 300.96 tons, South Korea 283.78 tons, Mexico 255.42 tons, UAE 247.72 tons, and other 1486.88 tons.

, from the trade pattern, from January to February, China's cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanone exports are still dominated by general trade.

Source: Zhongyu Information
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